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3/1 School Board Summary

Board Recognition - Dr. Prince and Mrs. Norell

Dr. Jennifer Prince was appointed the next Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. Mrs. Jamie Norell was appointed the principal of Glendora High School, becoming the first female principal in GHS history.

"I am honored and excited to serve as Principal of Glendora High School. For 27 years I have called GHS my home away from home. During that time I have been privileged to work with students and staff who have profoundly impacted my life. I am excited to continue the great traditions of Glendora while embracing the new accomplishments we can all make together. It is great to be a Tartan!", shared Mrs. Norell.

“When Dr. DiGrazia called to inform me I had been selected for the position, I was extremely excited about the opportunity. My goal has been to provide an environment where everyone can achieve their greatest potential. Whether it is principals having what they need to create a positive school climate and culture, teachers having the resources and training to provide rigorous and engaging instruction, parents having the tools to support their student’s success, or students having the ability to achieve their fullest potential, I’m excited and honored for the opportunity to support GUSD staff, families, and students.” shared Dr. Prince.

The Tartan Shield would like to congratulate Dr. Prince and Mrs. Norell on their new positions!

Board recognition - Mission 17 Space Flight Experiment Group and Patch Design

GHS physics teacher Jimmy Liao recognized GHS students Tyler Lai (‘23), Dylan Anderson (‘23), Benjamin Tallman (‘23), Justin Tong (‘24) for their winning experiment that would be sent into space through the Mission 17 Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP). The Mission 17 SSEP is a pre-college STEM education program that takes 39 flight experiments up into space into the International Space Station.

Lai, the group team leader, shared with the school board his team’s proposal on whether or not mushroom leather was a viable cloth system in space. “Because resources are very limited in space, it would be unreasonable to bring a cow for leather or a bunch of soil and cotton seeds for traditional fabric.” Lai explained, “Mushroom spores are compact and they do not need light or soil.”

The board also recognized GHS student Sadie Lopez (‘23), who won the patch design contest that would also be sent to space. Lopez shared her long-time interest in art and space. “I was a part of the Citrus Owls Rocket League program when I was in fifth grade here so now being able to send something I made into space is pretty mindblowing,” said Lopez.

Public comments:

Public comments were made by Shaunna Elias regarding HPV vaccine requirements, by Gene Lopez regarding ethnic studies, and by Wendy Jarvie regarding bullying issues in the district, her critical perspective of “restorative justice,” and the potential implementation of an anti-bullying seminar.

Board comments (CW):

Gary Clifford: Clifford acknowledged and celebrated different superintendents around Southern California who graduated from Glendora High School. He also agreed with public comments regarding criticisms of ethnic studies and vaccine mandates.

Paul Lopez: Lopez congratulated the GHS ethics bowl advancing to nationals, GHS show choirs placing in recent competitions, and GHS wrestler Samantha Sachs placing second place at state competitions. In tears, the former GHS principal congratulated Mrs. Norell on her new position and expressed strong hopes for the future of GHS under her administration.

Robin Merkeley: Merkeley reflected on the success of the PTSA’s “Ladies Night Out” as the event host. She also encouraged people to attend the vaping awareness meeting at Sandburg Middle School on March 16th at 6:30 PM.

Elizabeth Reuter: Reuter congratulated Samantha Sachs for her recent wrestling achievements and emphasized how proud the Glendora community is of her achievements. The school board will be participating in the California School Board Association (CSBA) legislative action week to meet with legislators on the local needs of Glendora.

Superintendent comment: Dr. DiGrazia reported the end of the third trimester and gave an update on sister school arrangements between Sandburg’s sister school Nakamura Junior High and Goddard’s sister school Moka Higashi Junior High. DiGrazia announces that both sister schools will be visiting Glendora in fall of 2023 and that a musical event has been planned between GHS and a Moka high school. A community update is also being emailed to many Glendora residents this week. The first in-person student advisory committee was held as an opportunity for students to voice their views on the district’s strengths and weaknesses. DiGrazia congratulated the Ethics Bowl team and wrestlers Samantha Sachs and Marquize Brown, and commended GUSD PTAs for their impactful work. He announced the 50th Rotary Choral Event on March 3rd.

Monica Garcia was not present at the meeting.

Staff presentations:

Dr. Marie Porcell, principal of La Fetra elementary school, and Mr. Steve Bishop, principal of Sellers Elementary school, presented on their respective school program highlights. Presentations included demographic changes, ELA and math test scores of students, emotional well-being support, challenging absenteeism, and updates on disciplinary policies.


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