For students looking to major in various areas of art in college, they may find high school to be limited in options available to them to participate and gain training for the areas they are looking to make a career out of.
One way they can fulfill their creative need is applying to and participating in a summer program. These programs can last from two to three weeks and are usually hosted by a college or university.
As a senior hoping to major in film, these kinds of programs had always been of interest to me throughout my years of high school due to the lack of exposure to such classes in my education thus far, although the high cost and other summer commitments had prevented me from attending one.
Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York, offers a two-week program in 3D Studio Art. This program allows students interested in sculpture art to learn new techniques and skills that allow them to create individual studio projects, while receiving critiques from professionals, as well as their teachers and peers. They receive one credit for their major and present a group exhibition at the end of the program at the Sarah A. Coyne Gallery of Art. The cost for this program is $3,110 for residents and $2,210 for commuting students.
Another art program closer to Glendora is the Acting and Performance Summer Institute at the University of Southern California. This intensive program is three weeks long and features classes in performance training, movement-based technique, and handling audition pieces, with help from employed actors. The cost is $5,798 including tuition and room & board, but a discount is offered for students entering the UC schools.
Finally, the California State Summer School for the Arts, or CSSSA, is one of the most well-known art summer programs in California, offering an opportunity to participate in various areas of art: music, theater, film, visual arts, dance, writing, and animation. Training and critique are given by professionals. The upcoming program this year will last from July 9 to August 5. This program is offered to California residents for a cost of $4,250; due to the events of the pandemic, scholarships are also being offered for this program.
Applications are required for all three programs. Each of the colleges' websites can be visited for more information.
When researching these programs, costs were found to be at least $2,000 or more, which can obviously turn off many students from thinking about attending, as these costs are almost as much as some college tuitions. However, there are many scholarships available, and some discounts offered that can help pay.
If committed, a summer at any of these art programs can help give a student the opportunity to immerse themselves in their interests or passions, receive professional advice, and prepare them for their life ahead in the arts.